Old Soul, Young Eyes and a Vintage Heart

Saiby Arora
4 min readFeb 18, 2020


A girl usually falls in love when a guy touches her without using his hands, holds her with his gaze, tempts her with his companionship, and says she is beautiful without uttering a word, we can go on with mushy examples but we are sure that you got the point. This one is not about forever whose life ranges between the bracket of 6 to 18 months. (plus/minus two months depending on the pursuing power of the person who assumed it to be the actual forever.)We are living in 2020 and needless to say there are better versions of everything but then there is always vintage!

The bitter truth of life is that if you play your cards right you may have what you wanted in your 20’s-30’s and thereafter. But what about the dreams we had when we were 15. The perfect love story, happily ever after, happy cuddles and love beyond all? The love that vibrated through spaces b/w second’s, resided in her eyes and was sown deep into her heart. You may have a wedding in custom made Sabyasachi and at a fancy site somewhere in Aerocity but what about the wedding we dreamt of back then? The one with a pastel pink lehenga and the love of our life, or in my case dancing to Bole Chudiyaan and getting swayed by the man who would have loved me for I was!

One of the most deadly combinations you can have with an old soul and vintage heart is to have young eyes. Because, as they say, young is stubborn, young contradict’s. Whilst the soul and the heart are gratified with the love that plays hide and seek the eyes are always fixed on what could have been, the heart was convinced with love being a chapter in the story the eyes wanted it to be a plot twist! While the soul was quenched with him being around all the eyes wanted was to picture herself midst his life! When asked, the heart and soul would reply that the love they felt is not something that can be described in words, but then it was the eyes that could spot the kinda love in poetry, and yet when it came to him they drifted not making eye contact because suddenly the ground felt safer!

One of the most common activities of a girl’s everyday life is to look in the mirror and stare back at her reflection looking in the details and working on what she perceives as imperfections. Now what we mean to say that staring back at a women with a designer handbag and Louboutin heels wouldn’t hurt but what about the girl who wanted to shy away from the mirror because all her face could tell was “She was in Love” her cheeks a little flushed and her eyes wide trying to comprehend why she was shy of her reflection.

Whenever we talk about love, we are compelled to talk about the heart, it is kind of an imperative to bring them both together, and then ofcourse the heart is to be blamed and cherished, As much as we hold the heart guilty for being stubborn we know that a heart in love is vintage, it is old school it may hold a sea of emotions but would always like to shy away from spilling a few drops, it may want to say a thousand words but would only be able to manage a fumble! Wanting to talk about it in front of the whole wide world the heart still manages to conceal its affection. However the heart is always helped by the eye, they have always been partners in crime, what the heart feels the eyes express. They turn into little hearts when they spot the one and shout out the words to the world you are too shy to tell yourself! The eye contact that is always intense enough for the soul to catch fire yet soothing enough to kiss the pain away!

Writer’s Word: The words above are a mere testimony that the kinda love is as rare as it gets and if you are actually in your true senses do not attempt to find one. Because apart from the heart-soul and eyes we do have other responsibilities and no love is bigger than self-love. So, if by any chance you are tempted to try the stunt called love, “Love Yourself” and be intimated by your newer and better version!



Saiby Arora

My work can be best described as an optimal mix of observed patterns and sentiments, they can be instant eye-openers and food for thought at the same time.